Vegan Cuts Goodies!

I was a bit anxious when I found out everyone had their Vegan Cuts Snack Box delivered except for me.  I wrote emails, tweeted and posted on a few blogs about how I was hoping to get my package, and thanks to talking to my building administration, I found my goodies, yay!

Vegan Cuts Snack Box

This is what my Snack Box brought me this time:
– Raw Cashew Butter
– Vegan Bacon Bites
– Toothpaste powder
– Chewing Gum
– Ground Roasted Barley
– Chocolate Breakfast Cookie
– Cinnamon Carrot Crisps
– Ginger & Dark Chocolate
– Protein Shake (Chocolate Raspberry)

Artisana Raw Cashew Butter

This is a sampler box and though they all come in mini sizes, for $20 this so far has been a great deal!  I’ve tasted that brand of Raw Cashew Butter (Artisana) and it’s delicious, creamy, just perfect.

New Tree Dark & Ginger Chocolate

I already ate the chocolates, my goodness New Tree is doing things right.  Since I went vegan I miss chocolate so much and in the past I would have never tried Ginger-Chocolate but I can happily say *this is so good*, it was really tasty and I will be ordering this chocolate online since I haven’t seen this brand around my local grocery stores.

As I start tasting/testing the rest of the samples I’ll keep updating this post.  I’m very pleased with this assortment and I thank Vegan Cuts for their great and quick customer service, in less than 24 hours I got a tweet and email back from them about my inquiry on my not-really-missing package.

I look forward to trying this Snack Box again soon!  Hopefully I’ll get caramels or boozy chocolates in the future. Hint, hint ;)

¡a comer!

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