Tag: vegetarian

Food Travel, Restaurants

5 Restaurants for Vegetarian-Omnivorous Couples in DC

There are so many wonderful vegan/vegetarian restaurants in this area that I’ve been to with non vegetarian friends that they have loved such as (Loving Hut, Sticky Fingers, Everlasting Cafe, etc), but this post is not about vegan/vegetarian restaurants but about places that offer delicious meatless options and non-vegetarian ones as well. The idea for […]


Chili con Veggies

Not in season but boy I’ve missed tomatoes, thank you Mexico. I promised some friends I would share my regular day dishes recipe since I became vegetarian.  I have to admit it hasn’t been easy and more when I was talked into old school Atkins Diet, so you can imagine how of a challenge it […]

Reading, Recipes


The things one can do with a Ricer ♥ The main reason I’d suffer if I went on zero carb diet: no yuca A yuca memory of mine: Dad asks my mom “Yilla when are you cooking yuca?”(she did every few weeks).   Mom is stirring a pot of Cow’s Foot soup, in a 98F kitchen, with no […]