Resolutions 2011

I have been trying to avoid this word “Resolution” just because I’m afraid if I put it on my blog and make it public then I will have to answer questions of why I didn’t do any of them (as if anyone is going to be actually judging me or reading this).  On that note I can tell right away that I’m being negative towards something I haven’t even started.

Today is different, today I believe I just won’t dream but I will achieve, I won’t just look I will also help, today my sense of awareness is very high and these little moments in life when you know you are where you want to be are priceless, so this is my moment.

Resolutions for 2011

Detox-Fast Day once a week w/ Fruits & Vegetables

Bake at least 1 recipe of each CookBook I own

Make Panamanian Tamales for friends

Accomplish my 365 day Food Photo Project on

Follow the 1001 Foods I should taste before I die (Book)

Work out 3 times a week regularly

Buy just good Chicken – Meat & Eggs

Bake 1 bread a week

Taste as much as I can & live more green (I buy way too many water bottles, etc).


That’s it, hopefully I can push myself to do it and if one week doesn’t work I still have more time to go, not trying but doing.


1 Comment

  1. Don’t worry about posting the resolutions on your blog – we’ll hold each other accountable! I’ve got a list of my own, but I like the sound of yours… makes me hungry!

    Good luck – I’m sure you’ll accomplish them all!

    – P

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